Lookig for a key to a better future, success, a great guide, wonderful friends see Scouting below but
first a few important things.
This rule is accepted by most civilized persons in every country by every religion as the best way, wisest action, and the best rule of human relations.

Even a little light may be enough to help. Better to light a light than to suffer in the darkness. Even a small kindness can make a big difference, bring happiness and even sometimes save a life.


Humans find it easier to make up stories to explain things they don`t know and pass then on to others who believe them without bothering to seek the truth and the facts and all sides of the story. Question everything because there are so many half-truths and those who want to mislead you and manipulate you. And now effective artificial intelligence and advanced psychological stealth, hidden methods are being used to manipulate you today.






MUST SEE Beautiful Rainbows
and American Opinion MEMES Freedom of Speech is critical to a free society. Don't let anyone limit it.

Attacks on innocent persons now exposed. See for yourself. Facts
Americans must become aware of hidden threats.
Human Rights are being ignored around the world. Women and Children are being killed. Please beome informed.
Human Rights Watch
2022 World Report
Women and Child rights MUST SEE

If we do not take action, many will die in the next few years because of the methane release now being triggered from the melting of the permafrost accelerating the disasters, soon un reversible, and our children will become extinct.
Unpleasant truth verified by science. This is here because it is my duty to educate others. It is almost too late to stop it. If you ignore this professor's warning the onus is on you because I did my duty, installed my solar panels, and warned you.

This is explained at bestideas.today
Trees shelter birds better who eat insects.
Even one acre of trees plays an essential part in preventing unprecedented climate change.
One acre of trees takes in the same amount of CO2 that a vehicle creates after driving 26,000 miles. This same acre of trees also takes in the amount of carbon dioxide that two vehicles create within a year.
Of the air that we breathe, oxygen is one-fifth of it. Annually, one acre of trees can produce enough air for 18 people. Trees and other photosynthesizing plants are imperative for all animal lives, including human lives, on Earth. Otherwise, we would eventually be unable to breathe.
As trees emit life-giving O2, they also take in carbon dioxide; clearly, trees have a deep impact on our environment. Carbon dioxide is the primary cause of the greenhouse effect, which holds heat in our planet`s atmosphere. This makes Earth warmer and, ideally, a more tolerable place to live.
Trees hold carbon dioxide in their trunk fibers. This, in turn, purifies the air around them and minimizes the harmful effects of CO2. This enhancement of air quality is especially beneficial in cities that have more pollutants than other areas.
The size of the leaf area also known as Specific leaf area SLA and Leaf Mass per Area LMA are major factors in determining how much Oxygen is produced and how much carbon is removed. See Wikipedia Specific Leaf area. Some plants have bigger leaves, but how many heaves are in an area of land or water is more important. Some plants produce more than others. The plant winner with the greatest leaf are per plant per land or water area are Evergreen Gymnosperm trees which include spruce and fir trees. Some like the Norway Spruce and Colorado Blue Spruce have a huge amount of leaves, grow world wide and also provide habitat for other animals while producing Oxygen and removing carbon year around.
Below are the trees that produce the least to the most amount of oxygen:
Least O2: pines, which are coniferous (cone-bearing) and evergreen (stay green all year).
Average O2: oaks and aspens, which are primarily deciduous (shed leaves).
Most O2: maples, beeches, true firs, spruces, and Douglas-firs.
These trees are a mixture of deciduous, coniferous, and evergreen.
Regarding oxygen production, a mature silver maple tree, for instance, can emit enough O2 in one day for two people.
On the same day, a silver maple can consume nearly 100 gallons of water from the soil and disperse it into the atmosphere.
Within a year, a silver maple can take in about 48 pounds of carbon dioxide.
In terms of oxygen production, a mature short-needled Norway spruce, for instance, can emit 58% more O2 than a beech tree.
In fact, a Norway spruce can photosynthesize for 260 days per year while a beech can only photosynthesize for 176 days per year.
Maple and beech, are deciduous.
The three others, true fir, spruce, and Douglas-fir, are evergreen.
Again, neither one of these types of tree absolutely surpasses the other in oxygen production.
Genetically engineered trees show promise of emitting high levels of O2. Some of these trees have been recorded to grow at 35 feet each year,
Investing more in these trees might have a significant effect on our atmosphere.
The world currently has over 3.1 trillion trees, according to Nature. While this is a stunning number, it`s below half the total number of trees that were on the planet prior to human impact.
Given that carbon dioxide has substantially increased during the last 50 years, it`s more important than ever to protect the tree population.
Trees are truly a treasure.
Along with their natural allure, they provide a heap of necessities that improve the health of Earth.
They enhance air quality, balance climate temperatures, raise the quality of soil, and offer food, shade, and shelter for people around the world. Trees Reduce Harmful Effects Of Climate Change
The above are direct quotes from "https://treejourney.com/what-trees-produce-the-most-oxygen-and-how-they-do-it/"

We need to plant more trees. Great family project to do with children and communities to support.
Grass is also very important because it also generates our life saving oxygen.
By the way Lawns are an excellent producer of oxygen. A lawn area 50 ft x 50 ft produces enough oxygen for the daily needs of a family of four. An acre of grass will produce enough oxygen for 64 people a day. Reducing your carbon footprint begins right at home. Source ScienTurfic Sod https://www.scienturficsod.com resources air-and-water

A lawn can produce significant amounts of oxygen, in fact, studies show that one 5,000 sq ft of grassland can produce enough oxygen for up to 35 people!
But how does this compare to trees? Does grass produce more oxygen than trees?
It`s a lesser-known fact that grass, the often-overlooked green foliage lining the Earth`s surfaces, plays a crucial role in producing oxygen for our environment. A lawn produces oxygen at a rate greater than trees! Studies show that while 5,000 sq ft of trees with full canopy coverage produces enough oxygen for between 8 and 18 people, the same area covered in grass produces enough for almost 35 people! That`s a significant difference.
Also the grass produces more oxygen if we cut it higher. Michigan State University states "there is a direct relationship between cutting height and the amount of roots a grass plant can maintain. Lowering the mowing height reduces the root system. This restricts the ability of the plant to absorb water and nutrients... Current standards suggest between 2 and 3.75 inches. Higher cut lawn grasses are more stress tolerant. This is especially important during the summer heat period. Taller grass plants with higher density have a profound shading effect on the soil surface, which reduces germination of weed seeds, particularly crabgrass. This is an excellent way to reduce herbicide use, especially where the lawn is properly fertilized and watered to maintain vigor."

Evergreen trees such as spruce and firs produce oxygen year around and set above grass and are often cleared of snow by the wind so continue to produce oxygen while the grass is smothered under snow. Norway and Blue spruces actually have more leaf area than many broad-leaf trees. Leaf area is a big factor in oxygen production.

If we plant both grass and trees we get even more.
So cities need to create and maintain more parks with lots of grass and trees.
Also we can gradually replace sidewalks with tough walkable grass or other tough walkable plants like mosses. In damper areas two strips of asphalt separated by grass ot tough walkable grass like cover could replace sidewalks. This would enable strollers and wagons and eliminates snow shoveling by substituting snow sweeping which is easier and can be automated. Also grass is much friendlier and healthier to human feet and body and for children. This would Increase oxygen production. Another benefit is in regions of winter snow the black asphalt often melts the snow or ice.

Replacing cement with walkable plants is better for humans and better for our environment and is cheaper to install and replace.

Trees store much of their carbon within their leaves and woody biomass, while grass stores most of its carbon underground. This means that when a tree catches fire, it releases its stores of carbon back into the atmosphere. But when a fire burns through grasslands, the carbon fixed underground tends to stay in the roots and soil.
How much CO2 does 1 acre of grass absorb?
An acre of grass, whether maintained or left alone to grow unmolested, will sequester approximately 3,600 pounds of greenhouse gas annually.
How much CO2 do trees absorb per acre?
How Much Carbon Does an Acre of Trees Absorb? An acre of trees can absorb up to 2.6 tons of carbon dioxide each year based on a calculation that one average tree absorbs 48 pounds of CO2.

Scout Handbook
Free scout handbook showing what is in it and what Scouting is about. Also attention scouts and scouters there is some new free improvements you can make in your home made stoves that will save on fuel. And some better ideas have been added. Stores are not allowed to sell the scout handbook and there are very few scout offices with a scouting store in each state. So the average family does not have an opportunity to buy a scout handbook. Since it is copyrighted you won't see its contents online either. This website provides much of what is in the scout handbooks up for you to see and print anytime for free. The purpose is to provide valuable scouting knowledge to all for free. And for those who would like to be a scout you can be, even if there is no troop near you.

Excitement and spirit of Scouting

EARTH - One video you NEED to see

Scouting can be fun and exciting. It also gives knowledge that will teach you how to survive in the wild and in life. Scouts learn decent guidelines for life with good moral values. They learn leadership skills and how to be a success. The Scout Motto is Be Prepared.
Scouting helps you Be Prepared for Life and for Emergencies.

See our country
This is my Country BEAUTIFUL
Amazing Flight Thru Grand Canyon

Scouts travel, go on trips, camp out, go places.

New Technology that will affect your life

Scouting encourages scouts to learn and live by the Scout Law. One thing lacking in our modern society is decent guidelines and values. This site enables anyone to become a scout even if you are alone and unable to join a troop.

All of the knowledge offered here is free. The old scout who is making this site wants anyone who desires the knowledge and values of scouting to be able to have it for free. Your age and gender does not matter.
I would like to improve this site. Please send better images, sites, apps, comments to wecare@dogoodforall.today

Scouts have saved many lives including their own. My life was saved by a scout!


Scouts learn to cook for themselves and eat very well.

Freedom isn't Free. Many died for yours.

Keep informed. Be vigilant.

Be Prepared to defend your freedoms soon

Our flag stands for Freedom with Liberty and Justice For All  

Being Prepared is important even at home.

Are you prepared for Home Emergencies? Teach your self First Aid including what to to for choking and know how to do CPR. (That is near the bottom of this page.)
What if your mom or dad started suffering a heart attack? Learn what to do now.

Family problems? All families have some arguments and difficulties. That is normal. Do what you can to be helpful. Express your love for other family members. Help with the care for little brothers and sisters. If your family is having money difficulties try not to spend unnecessarily. Perhaps you can earn some money and help. Use common sense and consideration for other family members. Remember dad or mom may be under a lot of stress. Show them that you care. Hugs and smiles often help. If you are stuck with what you feel is unfairness. Be aware that life is full of it. It can almost always be worse. There are children starving to death, dying of diseases. Many have lost their parents and are forced to try to survive out on the street on their own with no resources. some families have to deal with mental illness. That is tough but if you are in that situation remember you are young and will survive it. In those cases often other factors come in to play and the situation gets modified. In the USA you can usually get help. Talk with the parents. If that doesn't work try a school counselor or social worker. If the situation is really bad get some help.

Be prepared by thinking through what you would do in possible situations.
What if someone was breaking in or what if there was a fire or smoke? Think it through in your head and have the best action already planned so that if the real thing happens you are ready to help.
Help the family make a fire plan. Make sure your smoke detectors have good batteries. If you don't have at least two, most fire departments give them out.

Smell gas, open door and get everyone out.
Encourage parents to get a carbon dioxide detector. They save lives because it is an odorless gas that can kill. If the furnace goes bad the whole family can die in their sleep at night.

Circuit smoking or sparking.
Find out in advance where the circuit breaker box is and find how to shut one off.

Running water that can't be shut off. Perhaps a broken faucet or pipe.
Find out in advance where the water shut off valve is for your house.

Find out what the number for the crisis center is. This can be used for quick advice.

Find out about where the government offices and other organizations are, and who your government workers are. Visit city hall. Visit a court. Find out what goes on there. Have you visited your local fire hall? What about public transportation if needed? Thank the fireman for their work. Sometimes there are open houses and public events where they will show you what is in a police car and fire truck. Make your business to know what is going on in your community.


First make it a habit to find out how everything works. www.howstuffworks.com is great for that. The smart person learns how things work so that they can control their environment and not have to be at the mercy of others.

7 inch tablet computer
notebook computer

Knowledge is power. Ignorance is stupidity.
There are stupid 20 year olds who have no idea of how to change a tire or check the oil in their car.
Become a frequent visitor to your local libraries. Libraries still offer much more than the Internet in 2013. Most books, research studies and pictures are not on the Internet. Even though there are Exa bytes (Exceedingly Huge amount) of information on it. Some information on the Internet is inaccurate, is sometimes censored and not always available. It can be and is sometimes shut down by power failure, attacks and by Big Brothers. Learn how to use computers. They are necessary for getting and giving information and for most jobs.
If you can't afford one at least work on getting a cheap WiFi enabled 7 inch tablet. (some are as cheap as $59.) A notebook computer is better than a 7 inch tablet as you can do more things with it but the tablet can at least get you on the Internet for free at many free hotspots such as Wendys, McDonalds, libraries, schools. There are a lot of hotspots around for free Internet such at libraries.. You can then browse the internet and go to howstuffworks.com and other useful websites such as Mapquest, National Geographic, Gas Buddy to find the cheapest gas prices.
There are millions of free books on the Internet. You can download then at a free WiFi hotspot and save them to read them later. If you do not have a lot of memory you can easily save them to a "Cloud Drive." When you open an Email acount such as on Google they give you a "Drive" which holds a few Gigabytes of data (more tham most people use) You can save pictures, messages and other to this drive for free. Then you can access it feom your computer or a computer at a library and priint what you want.
Some smart phones offer internet but it is limited by the small screen size and insufficient memory.
The Internet is becoming the new library for the world. Even a small tablet with WiFi can help you learn valuable knowledge.
Avoid wasting your time with TV and most movies. Most them are junk.
You are in competition for a good future with a lot of other smart young people.
Make the most of your free time to learn. Put yourself ahead of the pack so you can get good grades and eventually be a success in life.
You cannot do that if you are wasting your time playing games.

Learn directions. Learn the address scheme for your area.

Robot calls often ring only twice then hang up. There is nothing you can do about them. If a telemarketer just hanging up is best as it saves you time. Keep paper and pencil handy to write down messages and try to get their number. Have a message board at home to leave messages for family members. A white board with erasable marker works good. There is a good turn you can do for your family.
To make a call think about what you want to say before you dial the number. Speak clearly and not real fast or slow. Make sure all information is understood on both ends. If uncertain ask. Be sure to write down places, time and addresses.

Outdoor Survival
Stuck outside, perhaps wet cold, area with wild animals--The knowledge of how to start a fire can mean life or death.
There is no substitute for having actual practice in starting a natural fire using natural materials.

Practice at home outside using your home barbeque.

Practice until you have mastered starting small fires with one match. Use dead grass, dead weeds, twigs, and larger wood twigs etc. Learn how fires work. Learn what doesn't work.
Better to learn it in the back yard than in a survival situation.

Here is a web page on how to build a fire. Fire Building
Gather wood or other burnables, Make a small pile of them for the fire itself with the thinest driest materials at the bottom. Something that can be ignited by a spark or match such as Very fine dry tender is necessary There are at least three tried and true natural ways to start a fire without matches. Magnifying lens, flint and steel, fire starter drill and bow. However these require practice. The use of premade starters is faster and should be in every survival kit. Water proof matches, wax coated cardboard, pre formed fire starters, candles, cigarette lighters all work. There are also small survival kits and devices that can carried in a pocket or pack that also work. See below. With the ability to start a fire being a primary survival necessity, a single-handed fire starter is an important asset. While a lighter, or even matches in many cases, can be used with one hand, when push comes to shove what you need is a reliable artificial flint style fire starter as your ultimate back-up.
Hot to Start a survival fire

The best scout handbook to get is the newest one which is readable free from kindle select at Read the new Scout handbook all 488 pages on Kindle for free if you have kindle unlimited or for $19.99. online Kindle edition
Best Spiral bound paper current edition at best price

NOTE THEN HAVE AN IDENTICAL HANDBOOK FOR GIRLS ALMOST EXCACTLY THE SAME EXCEPT THAT THEY HAVE PICURES USING GIRLS RATHER THAN BOYS. All requirements are the same. Scouting has great programs for all youth K-5 thru age 20 with no gender limitations. There are also Venturing and Exploring programs that help youth go on adventures including camping, trips, scout ranches, learning to fly airplanes, amateur radio and exploring occupations. They are a lot of fun and are well supervsed. See more information at https://www.scouting.org/ note you can also buy the Official Scout Handbooks for boys or girls or the great outdoor Fieldbook at https://www.scoutshop.org/literature/program-literature/handbooks.html Color pictures from the 1965 Scout Handbook
The Boy Scout Handbooks reviewed

Actually it is best to also acquire a Scout Fieldbook. This has much additional useful information.


Go to boys life magazine or see the Scout Handbook or Scout Fieldbook for cooking ideas.

Food to be cooked can be wrapped in foil. such as Hamburger, onions, potatoes, corn, bread, carrots, pepper, hot dogs, sausage, ham and cheese, grilled cheese sandwiches, steak, hash mix, eggs, etc. Consult outdoor cooking books for successful methods.

Sometimes no utensils or pans are even needed. Roasting marshmallows, hot dogs, kabob, meat slices, onion, pepper, potato bread on a stick. bread can be baked rolled around a thick stick. Bread and biscuits, cakes can be backed in a simple foil or light weight reflective oven. No pans needed.

Survival tools. But at right S'more maker makes em soo good!

Roasters can be made from green branches to roast meat, corn, fish, bread, marshmallows, hot dogs or just about anything solid. Even flat hot rocks can be put into service for cooking in survival situations. The Indians would heat up big pebbles and put in gourds or hollowed out wood bowls to cook stews, soups etc. It is easy to cook on a grill also. Again no pans to wash.
But successful cooking on a grill takes a little practice which you can get on your own backyard grill.

Stoves not necessary but save time

Above hobo tin can style stove and at right Grilled Cheese cooked directly on can top. And those are probably potatoes wrapped in foil baking in the coals.
Short video of scout showing how quickly cotton ball lights with spark and compares which is better to use with wax or vasoline.

Another tin can style and to right raised charcoal style tin can stove. You can experiment with which kind you prefer based on your own experience in your own backyard. You can use juice cans or number 10 cans which are available from any restaurant.

Coat hanger wire or heavier wire can be used instead of chicken wire or cutting metal to make shelves.

Other possibilities. Consult books on tin can cooking. Fuel for stove made from paraffin and candle and or cardboard. The more wicks the hotter the fire.
Just put your Canteen Cup or other style pot on top, put in a heating tab, light it and your all set. The stove fits conveniently around a canteen cup and then whole thing stores in the canteen pouch . Used very good condition. Canteen cup sold separately. Used good to very good condition. $6. from Joe's Army Store Woodward 131/2 Royal Oak Mi Joe's

Lightweight and Compact, Lights easily with matches, Great for Camping, Hiking, Hunting, or Emergencies, Contains 24 Fuel Tablets, Each tablet burns for about 9 minutes, Prices range $6-9.

The following stove types are reviewed on the Camping page of this website: About Camping and other scout stuff

Titanium stove weighs only 0.4 oz. and folds down to 1.1 x 3.3 in., so you'll barely notice it in your backpack Stove is powered by Esbit solid fuel tablets (sold separately); tablets generate up to 1,400°F of intense heat and burn for about 12 min. each.

Sterno Folding Stove sold almost everywhere or $5-6. fuel can lasts 2 hours. $2. each

Whisperlite pictured above.

About PocketRocket
About the Coleman Gas Stove.
Colemanbackpackstove ColemanPowerPackStove ColemanPowerPackStove
Biolite Wood High Tech Camp Stove
There are four videos on this stove. After you see the first one click on the video at the bottom right. You must see this thing in action.
The BioLite Wood Burning CampStove™ combines the benefits of a backpacking stove and an off-grid power charger so you can cook a meal while charging your gadgets at a backcountry campsite.
There's no need to buy or carry heavy fuel canisters with this stove—simply collect twigs during your journey and burn them when you get to camp

Video about using Biolite Stove
Hexagon Wood Stove You can use sticks and twigs to cook your meals.

Attention Scouts New Research offers free stoves that need less fuel.

Something new and better than all of the above has come on the scene.
No it is not the tiny alcohol stoves that you can make from a pop can which is light weight, burns clean and hot. You can see demos of them on Youtube. I will not put them here because liquid fuels are dangerous and people are careless.

First you can now make your own fuel tablets which burn for around 30 minutes rain or shine. Use cotton balls or drier lint with an edge pulled to a point for a wick. Place these in an old ice cube tray which is then filled with melted recycled wax from old candles.
How to make fuel cubes with 30+ min burn time!

Now there are two newer stove designs which are more efficient than all of the above. The first is the Gasifierstove which first burns the wood then burns the wood gas making it much more efficient than a single wall hobo stove. Basically it uses two cans to make inner burner and outer shell with holes in special places to enable the gasification. These can be made from two ordinary cans. They take a little more time to make but are more efficient and use less fuel. The gasifyer is slightly more efficient in the burn than the Rocket. They can be a compact as whatever size of can you use.

Survival Gear Review: The Solo Stove biomass backpacking stove
DIY: How to make a backpacking wood gasifier stove
MsSpy's Wood Gas Stove
How To Make A Wood Gas Stove - Compact & Efficient! .

But the winner on fuel burning efficiency of build it your self is the Rocket Stove design. Even though the gasification efficiency is slightly less than that of a gasifier, Rocket stoves appear in tests to burn the least fuel and also are the fastest boilers. They are easy to start and burn any solid fuel. It is easy to add more fuel anytime. They create first charcoal then ash. Even after the "fire" goes out the charcoal burns for considerable time. That means that they can simmer and keep a pot warm for some time. For their greatest efficiency their burning tube should be a little longer than that of the gasifyer. For camping this doesn't matter. The home made free one can be built for portability. Rocket stoves are very simple. They consist of an inner vertical can burner, an outer can outside wall with insulation in between and a feed tube to feed air and fuel. By stopping the heat from escaping from the inner burner sides the stove achieves higher temperatures. This causes the gas and smoke released by the first fuel burn to also be burned in a second burn. An upwards draft then hits the cooking pot directly. Testing shows these to be more efficient than the gasifier design. Extensive research has shown this to be the most efficient stove type and is now being mass manufactured to be used by families around the world to save fuel. They can be constructed of any non burnable material.

The same stove on the right fitted with an insulator and door for charcoal use may be the most efficient portable stove in the world. It takes the least fuel for most heat output.

How to Micro Rocket Stove
Best Rocket Stove Design Ever
The story of the Rocket stove
Site about Rocket Stoves
Capturing Heat Research.
Additional Zen stoves Modern designs. Shows new research in stoves. Has a wood properties chart. Very Interesting
website with review of camping stoves and types
The above link also has great chart showing BTU output per pound. Also includes several other types of heating methods such as flameless.
Scientific research on stoves

See more information about stove types on the Camping page on this website. About Camping and other scout stuff

Dutch Oven Side Dish, Pizza, Bread, Portable Stoves
trail coffee, Pick me Ups

Baking a cake in an Orange
Cooking Tips

See Boy Scout Handbook, Field book, Outdoor cook books etc. for ideas. and Practice until you are a good cook. There is no need to buy a cooking kit or camping utensils. the only advantage of these is that they can be very compact. don't forget to soap up the bottom of pans you are cooking with so they are easy to clean. Some folks just cover with foil but that sometimes tears and some claim the cooking is uneven. When cooking remember slow steamy cooking gives better and softer cooked food. Scout troops often use cast iron dutch ovens setting on coals and covered with coals to slow cook meals just like a crock pot. Takes longer but food is usually great.

Above Coffee pot and Dutch Oven. To right reflective oven baking bread. Also note food may be cooked in its tin can which means no pots to wash.

Real Meaning of Scouting

Real Scouts live by the Scout Law, Scout Motto Scout slogan and Scout Oath. The Scout Motto is Be Prepared. You should endeavorto be ready to face most anything. Always be in control of yourself. The Scout slogan is to Do at least one good turn daily. Help someone. smile, show a kindness. A real man knows there is strength in being gentle.

Tenderfoot Requirements

Second Class Rank

First Class Rank

1. The three points of the trefoil stand for the three parts of the Scout Oath.
2. The shape of the Scout badge means that a Scout can point the right way in life as truly as does a compass in the field.

Many Scouts become Leaders and go on to Success in Life. Success Wisdom

3. There are two stars on the badge. They symbolize truth and knowledge.
4. The eagle and shield stand for freedom and a Scout's readiness to defend that freedom.
5. The scroll bearing the Scout motto is turned up at the ends as a reminder that a Scout smiles as he does his duty.
6. The knot at the bottom of the scroll serves as a reminder of the Scout slogan, Do a Good Turn Daily.

The Scout law

A Scout is Trustworthy.
A Scout tells the truth. He is honest, and he keeps his promises. People can depend on him.

A Scout is Loyal.
A Scout is true to his family, friends, Scout leaders, school, and nation.

A Scout is Helpful.
A Scout cares about other people. He willingly volunteers to help others without expecting payment or reward.

A Scout is Friendly.
A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He offers his friendship to people of all races and nations, and respects them even if their beliefs and customs are different from his own.

A Scout is Courteous.
A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows that using good manners makes it easier for people to get along.

A Scout is Kind.
A Scout knows there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. Without good reason, he does not harm or kill any living thing.

A Scout is Obedient.
A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobeying them.

A Scout is Cheerful.
A Scout looks for the bright side of life. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.

A Scout is Thrifty.
A Scout works to pay his own way and to help others. He saves for the future. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.

A Scout is Brave.
A Scout can face danger although he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at him or threaten him.

A Scout is Clean.
A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He chooses the company of those who live by high standards. He helps keep his home and community clean.

A Scout is Reverent.
A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.


You can become a scout.
It does not have to cost anything. You are welcome regardless of your gender, age, race, location, country, religion or lack of one. Basically you promise that you will live by the Scout Law, Motto, Slogan and Promise.
If you do that you are a scout.


If you do not you can be a Lone Scout on your own. But there are many lone scouts and thousands of scouts that are no longer part of a group and they can be found online and in pklaces like facebook. This can lead to safe lifetime friendships with great friends.

You do not have to fill out any papers but if you wish to have your advancement officially recorded then you will have to register. Then you can get and wear the badges and patches you have earned on a sash and have those recorded at the scout office. Earning Eagle rank is a great honor. There are scolarships, jobs and other opportunities open to Eagles. If you choose you can wear a scout emblem and give a miniature one to your mom to wear.

Your deeds show that you are a scout. You can begin by promising yourself you will live by the scout law and motto. You can learn the basic skills presented on this site. Which will help you be prepared for survival and for life.

Scouts learn how to talk to other scouts and how to do that in times of emergency when cell phones and regular phones are dead or when there are no phones anywhere around. Here is a link to our signaling page. Signaling

What if the cell phones are out due to power outage or emergency? Some Scouts can still talk with others when adults and others can't.
Many scouts become radio amateur operators. They learn ways to communicate with others far away on low power radios.
Here is a link to show you what amateur radio is. What is Ham Radio
Find out about scouts talking on their radio to other scouts around the world and with astronauts in the International Space station. Scouts can earn a radio license from the federal government that allows them to talk with others in other places in the USA and around the world, and use satellites to talk to others and even talk with astronauts in the International Space station. Others are limited to a fraction of a watt in power on their walky talkies but scouts who have earned the license can use up to 1500 watts of transmitter power which can get around the world.

from video below
Good Videos on Scout Adventure

from video above
If you would like to join the scouts or be a scout volunteer click here which shows you were the local units are, or contact your local scout office.

Knots are important because they do special things. Here are the most important basic ones.
The Reef Knot also known as the Square Knot is easy to tie, holds tight and easy to untie.
The Bowline makes an unslipping loop. It has many uses.
Two Half Hitches are used to tie down things.
Sheet Bend makes a very tight usually unslippable knot. It is also used to tie ropes of different sizes.
The Sheep Shank shortens a line.
The Clove Hitch ties a line to an object.
Has many uses and often comes in handy to tighten up clothes lines, tent lines etc.

Great rescue knot as it forms loops for body and legs.

You may not need these but it is nice to know about.

Square lashings are used to bind together two spars that are at right angles with one another.

A sheer lashing is often sued to bind adjacent poles together. It is also a good way to reinforce a broken or weak pole. The frapping turns used to tighten the lashing may be omitted and replaced with wedges inserted between the poles.
A loose Sheer Lashing made around the ends of two poles will allow the poles to be opened out and used as an A-frame. It can also be used to form a tripod just like the Figure-of-eight lashing.
slide show of Pioneering Projects from Indian Scouts
How to Make a Rope ladder Rope ladder

How to make a ladder bridge
How to make a MONKEY BRIDGE
Stopping fraying of rope called whipping

Cool Scout Stuff

The Compass gives you directions.

There are many kinds of compasses.
This link will show you some. Joe's Note most stores who have a sports department will have them. I recommend the liquid filled kind with clear plastic base for use with a map. Better if you are really going to be in wilderness is one with a sight. It is good to have a spare with you and one that floats.

I am not working for Joes but he only wants $3.99 for this. But wait, he gives scouts an additional discount so that scouts actually pay less than the prices I copied to this site.• Compass Dia: 1- 3/4” • Rotating Bezel Ring with 2° Graduation • Sighting Mirror with Sighting Slot • Dual Map Scales are 1:5,000 & 1:25,000 • Clear Plastic Body • Built-In 4x Magnifier for Map Reading • Lanyard Included.
Above explained with video also of how to use a compass.
To use a compass with a map you point the top of the map at North.

History and Use of the Compass
Compass and Map Skills
using a compass with a map
using a compass with a map at scouter website

Maps There are road maps and Topographic maps which show the physical features of the land as well as roads. Below are common map symbols used.

Great Examples
More info at Compass Dude

But what if you need directions and you have no compass? There are other ways to get directions. The stars at night. The Big dipper's two end stars point to the north Star. Also Cassiopeia looks like an M, or 3 and also points to the north Star. Use the North star or notice which direction at which the stars rise. That is East. They set in the West. That also goes for the sun which at noon is in the south. The Moon points to the sun. Depending on the time you can figure the direction. Direction of Shadows in daytime may help but moss growth on trees is not accurate.

The constellations (groups of stars) appear to change through out the year as the Earth travels around the sun. The drawing at the right side shows the view looking at the North Star (Polaris). This star appears to stand still and all of the other stars appear to go around it because the Earth's rotation center point is towards that star. Look up some astronomy for a better explanation.
Here is a good website explaining directions without a compass. Finding Directions without a compass

Now we have hand held GPS devices or GPS directions finders as phone apps built into cell phones. These are wonderful for finding directions. If one is going to be out in the wild for more than a day I recommend getting a solar charger that will keep your phone and GPS charged while you walk. Velcro fasteners may be needed to position it.


Measuring Distances

Sometimes one needs to find how high a tree is or how wide a stream is. Ordinarily one can just pace a distance off. Measure how many paces it takes to go 100 feet and then you can measure distance. Not so easy with water or height. Use a stick and measure one boy high or wide. Then see how many of those high or wide the object is visually. that can give you an estimate.

Measuring Height, distance and Cool Scout Stuff
Here is how Green Bar Bill showed it in the handbooks he wrote.
If the known height is lets say 5 feet (one boy tall) then just use a stick and count how many 5 foot sections high the tree is. Or measure the whole tree height using a stick at arms length then turn the stick so it shows the tree height on the ground. Note where it starts and ends and pace it off. See scout handbook link Boy Scouts Handbook here on this site for more details.
finding Height and width when it cannot be paced

Hiking Equipment

Not much is needed. a shoulder bag or backpack is handy to carry things. Water bottle, Snacks and emergency food, Map and compass is a good idea, Jacket, rain poncho (inexpensive plastic ones are cheap), Mosquito repellant, small first aid kit, small flashlight, matches and tender, at least a couple of fire starters, cell phone, small note paper and pencil. Sunscreen, Whistle, Pocket scout knife, Scout Handbook.
An expensive back pack is not necessary. Yes fancy ones are nice but if money is a problem you can actually make your own from an old pair of pants and any cloth sack, pillow case or better a nylon sack. Just fill the sack with your stuff, put the pants on around the top and pull down to the middle. Tie a line using the belt loops around it. Use the pant legs now for shoulder straps. Secure them with line as close to the bottom of the sack as you can and you actually have a useable backpack. another trick is to put your things in a blanket, leave a space for folding in the middle, roll it up into a roll and tie it in middle and at both ends. Bend it in the middle and place on shoulder with ends going diagonally to the opposite side of your body. Tie the two ends together and you have a blanket pack. The two methods were used by the pioneers when they did not have a wagon or horse to carry things. backpacker.com has many sections with good info and videos

Boyslife Magazine lots of good ideas

You can go to Google maps and print out both a satellite and road map of the area you are going to be in. But these are not topographic maps they are a picture of the area taken from above and a road map with almost no features marked. Good thing these are Free. You can obtain a topographic atlas book and make copies of the maps in your planned hiking area. You can also buy maps from the USGS.

Free Topographic Maps
Free Topographic Maps
Topographic Map Quadrangles Also go to your state government site or do a Google search for your state.
State Topographic Maps You can get these atlases for most states. Make a copy of the page with the area you are hiking in.

Back Packs

There is no rush to go out and buy a back pack. Why a back pack? To be able to walk with hands unencumbered a back pack is the best idea. There are many kinds and prices range from $10=199. Small backpacks are OK for day trips but not for overnighters or weekends. Small backpacks are best bought on sale. Camping and hiking backpacks have a wide range in price as noted above. Pack frames allow one to tie things to it including smaller packs, bags bed roll, sleeping bag, tent bag etc. Best to gain experience before buying a big pack. Army surplus stores often offer much lower prices as does Salvation Army and other used stores.
Biggest,cheapest $16.99
Cheap frame $10.
Surplus Pack $14.99
Also Joe's gives another discount to scouts so the price is even less than above.
Put the above two together and you have a good large back pack for a great price. Note I do not work for these folks. I am just trying to show everyone that good deals are out there. Want an even better deal. When I was a scout I made my own. Only had cost of canvas and straps. Whole thing probably under $5.
Camo Backpack $19. They have a great number of items that are not on their web site. They have many more packs $20 and up, surplus bags, clothing and Army camping gear. Army jackets $15. perfect for scouting trips. I saw high teck items like solar chargers, lights, radios. Freeze dried food and MRE Meals Ready to Eat. Water Filter bottles, Dome Tents $21. Army Blankets, Mosquito and other screens, camoflage netting etc. Here is the web site. Joe's Army Navy since 1945 Royal Oak Michigan has Discounts for scouts.
Boy Scout Trail Store. New nylon lightweight packs and other items.
Shop around at your local stores which have camping items. Support your local businesses. But if there is n one in your area shop online. It is safe if you see https at the start of the web address.

Camping Equipment

Consult Boy Scout handbook. Be prepared for rain, sun, cold or whatever. A first Aid Kit and small repair kit can be lifesavers. To hiking list above add blanket or sleeping bag, tarp, sleeping pad, pot, cup, bowl, fork, spoon, matches, water proof match box, tender, fire starters, food to cook, towel, wash cloth, soap, tooth brush, map and directions, change of clothes, swim suit, ax or camp stove and fuel, lightweight nylon poncho, nylon cord and a lightweight space blanket, plastic trash bags, gloves. Gloves, insect repellant and good boots protect your body from some nasty surprises. Note break in new boots a few hours at a time by wearing them around before you use them for serious hiking. Otherwise your feet may hurt and worse blister.

It is a good idea to carry a small flashlight and perhaps an extra battery. Inexpensive LED flashlights are available for about same cost as the old flashlights. LED flashlights use much less power so your batteries last a lot longer. Also LEDs have an extremely long life span and are shockproof. Consider the kind that uses AA batteries. Usually this light only needs two batteries. Avoid the ones that use three AAA batteries because they are difficult to load meaning their direction is often unlabeled. Also consider that rechargeable batteries last hundreds of times longer and pay for themselves after about the third recharge. Also they can be recharged on the trail with a solar charger. Also consider a LED head light that has a strap. If caught in the dark these can be lifesavers. If you can get a light that is waterproof.

First Aid Kit
Most commercial first aid kits are inadequate. They are designed to sell rather than be useful. It need not have a heavy case or box. It should contain at least many sterile gauze pads individually wrapped. some at least 2x2 and a few bigger, adhesive tape roll at least 10 feet, antibiotic ointment, a few band aids, roller bandage, at least 1 triangle bandage. tweezers, small piece of soap, small clean piece of cloth. Perhaps a small bottle of aspirin for pain and heart attacks, rubber gloves, CPR mouth barrier, and a couple clean handkerchiefs and a fire starter.

You don't have to buy a sleeping bag. A couple of good blankets and a waterproof ground sheet work fine. In fact some of us don't like sleeping bags as we feel they are confining. If I need to get up in a hurry I don't want to have to spend five minutes trying to find a zipper handle to get out of it. But if you want one and money is a problem look at Army surplus ones. Or just get a sleeping bag outside cover and use your blankets inside it. In this way you can make adjustments for temperature. Some sleeping bags are too thin (cold) and some are too thick (hot). Besides how many nights are you going to need to use one anyway?
Sleeping Bag $22.
They also have fleece linings for $19. And Insulated poncho liners which double as good lightweight blankets.

Ten reasons why you should try hammock camping Light weight, comfortable, Insect free, no rocks, affordable!, refreshing!, You can still use your regular sleeping bag and pad, It gets you off the rocks, roots, bugs, muck, and slope of the ground. It’s Leave No Trace friendly. But hammocks are best if suspended between two supports such as two trees. They can be used on the ground but that relegates it into a small tent.

A hammock maybe used with 1 tree and a pole if the pole is strong and is staked in three directions. Hammocks in theory can be placed high off of the ground and a rope ladder used to enter them. Then the ladder is stored within. For this a tent hammock of the 2 or 3 person variety is recommended. One must be rather athletic to accomplish this which is usually not a problem for young people. The advantage of being higher up is more protection from animals and possibly even unnoticed by persons passing by if no trace is left below. Think of it as a rather Tarzan living situation. If the hammock support ropes are too slack the sleeper will be forced into more of a ball shape which is not comfortable. Rope too tight makes lt harder. Of course if one was to do something other than rest and sleep a platform could be constructed within reach to hold a portable stove. Rest room facilities could be partly dealt with in emergency situations by cheap male or female urinals (often used by interstate truck drivers). Very few persons would probably want to go this route but special situations such as a severe storm or presence of wild animals call for improvisation.

HammockTent $49.
Army shelter tent $25. at surplus stores
Happy Camper Tent Walmart 2 man dome tents from $20.
Meijer dome tent Tents at Meijer $25 and up.
Gerfield 3 person Meijer Gerfield 3 person Meijer $59.
Cot Tent
Cot Tent DoubleThere also single cot tents which are more expensive and not for backpackers. More comfortable than a hammock. $139-269. 44 lbs

Happy Camper tent with porch $59. Meijer

SUV Tent with Screen Room Meijer

All of the conforts of home.

Tents are nice but not necessary. Some folks just layout their blanket or sleeping bag on a tarp and sleep under the stars near their banked down fire. Mosquito head net now suggested if you choose to do this. Be sure the tarp is wide enough to also double as a rain cover. Don't like leaving a fire going as is unsafe. Did in army but we had guard duty to protect our camp and also was a fire watch. Some folks don't sleep out at night. Some folks stay in cabins. Some prefer recreational campers. There are also camping trailers that range in complexity from those which are tents on a trailer to full cabins with stoves, refrigerators bedrooms and bathrooms in a trailer. Nice!
But Tents are the old standard and can be lightweight, easy to set up, with full insect and rain protection. Most of us like the lightweight nylon dome tents as no guy ropes needed. Many feel one man size is too small. On a rainy day when forced inside it is too cramped. Old pup tent style is obsolete, cramped, needs poles. Canvas is heavy and may be too flammable. Most tents now are flame retardant. You need a tent with mosquito netting. Shop around. Don't buy from emotion. Buy from knowledge. Borrow a tent and try it out in backyard if necessary. Most scout troops already have tents. Go to shopzilla.com and look for deals. There are great differences in prices.

A pad or preparation of a soft sleeping surface is most desirable. Always check for rocks and bumps where your body will rest. Make sure you are not in a gulch or flood plain where a sudden downpour upstream will cause a flood in your location.

Food storage is an important camping factor.
The closest thing to refrigeration is a flowing stream which in most cases now-days is rather rare. Except for overnight when things can be frozen and will be at least cold the next day, avoid foods that will spoil. Do not store foods that have an odor such as bacon, meat, honey, prepared foods, or anything that animals can smell in your tent or Hammock. That is an invitation for disaster. Even near cities there are often racoons, dogs, cats, birds and other animals that may be looking for food. Canned foods are safe but packaged foods in a cardboard box may not be. All of those can be put in a bag and hung high up between two trees or submerged in a stream. Dry foods are lighter. Consult outdoor cooking books, Newer Scout Handbooks and Field books for ideas. Some websites on backpacking and camping themes have very good ideas.
Camping food basics
camping food
freeze dry
campfire foods and ideas
5 Foods You Can Cook Over a Campfire
Campfire Foods for Kids
About Backpacking
Backpacker Magazine is your source for gear reviews, outdoor skills information
Backpacking For Beginners - Starting on an Exciting Journey
Beginner Backpacking on The Cheap
Backpacking Food Ideas

Cold Weather Clothing
It doesn't have to be expensive like the top of the line items in the following backpacker link. Remember layering. Even cotton hoodies layered can be very warm. But good boots and gloves are important and usually not cheap.
How to dress for Cold Weather E How
Cold Weather Clothing Bowsite
latest military gear
Top of line clothing


Dependable with big tough cup that can be used to cook in. See below the little stove that fits over the cup and allows you to cool efficiently in the cup. 3 piece canteen set
Just put your Canteen Cup or other style pot on top, put in a heating tab, light it and your all set. The stove fits conveniently around a canteen cup and then whole thing stores in the canteen pouch . Used very good condition. Canteen cup sold separately. Used good to very good condition. $6. from Joe's Army Store Woodward 131/2 Royal Oak Mi Joe's
$28 at Meijer. Prices for these range from $20-50. and process 30-100 gallons
Meijer Filter bottle
Methods to Purify Drinking Water on Camping Trips and Disaster Situations
Most sporting departments of large stores have water bottle filters often good for 100 gallons. Usually $10-20. These are a good idea to use when any water is in doubt. There are even personal 30 gallon filter straws. Methods to Purify Drinking Water
CDC Safe Drinking Water
Just finding water may be a problem. Dig in low spots, stream beds. Collect early morning dew with cloth. Inside of plants. Some cactus. Use solar still to purify poor water or to collect water.
getting distilled water from poor water
Collecting Water
Solar still One may see that it would be good to carry extra water, some plastic sheeting, drinking tube and a container, when traveling in areas where water is scarce. Some folks will laugh at this but it could be life or death. So these things could be part of an emergency kit in a vehicle. While we are at desert survival add clothing to protect the body from the hot sun and a blanket for the night. May be best to rest during day and travel at night in desert. As deserts can get cold at night.

Food Safety
It is most important to avoid food poisoning. This can be done by drinking pure water and eating food that has been adequately cooked, using pots and utensils that have been sterilized, washing hands before preparing and eating food. Folding Spoons and forks as part of a knife need to be placed in boiling water before use, Eating utensils should have a hole in the handle that will allow them to be dipped in boiling water. Fruits should be at least washed prior to eating. Even candy bars should be stored and handled with clean manner. Bacteria, viruses and toxins cause food poisoning and can be avoided by clean and proper storage and handling. Food that needs to be refrigerated can be frozen and cooked as soon as it thaws out. do not trust food that refrigerated has to be refrigerated if it has been at room temperature for over an hour. If you use mayo, ketchup etc use the pre-packaged little packets. Read instructions on food containers and follow good food safety practices. Prevention is priceless. Ignorance can mean misery.

Sitting around the campfire with good friends. Perhaps roasting marshmallows. Listening to stories. Singing songs. Great camaraderie and the words and sound of taps and the Scout Vesper.
Day is done
Gone the sun
From the lake
From the Hills
From the sky
All is well
Safely rest
God is neigh.

Slowly falls the light of day, As the campfire fades away
Silently each Scout should ask, Have I done my daily task
Have I kept my honor bright, Can I guiltless sleep tonight
Have I done and have I dared, Everything to be prepared.

Wood Craft Signs
wood craft signs

Leave No Trace
In the new Scout Fieldbook they start this chapter with this Quote "We should all realize that every right implies a responsibility every opportunity an obligation, every position a duty, and that the most effective sermon is expressed in deeds instead of words." from Waite Phillips whose gift of property to the BSA became Philmont Scout Ranch.
When most of our country was wilderness making a fire or tossing trash was no problem but now many people camp in parks, and use the same trails. We are realizing the importance of our wild lands as ecosystems. We need to maintain them in their natural state so that they can feed and protect the wild life there and provide clean water for or streams. The outdoors has become like our kitchen in that all those who use it should clean up their own mess. Scouts now practice "Leave No Trace" hiking and camping. We take nothing but pictures and leave nothing but footprints. The scout handbooks go into detail about this. To summarize it I would say we burn up what garbage we can and bag up the rest and take it to the nearest rubbish can.

We are used to seeing lightning from the safety of being inside buildings. Out in the open lightning poses a serious threat. Although most lightning occurs during stormy conditions it can happen on a clear day. No not kidding. Unlikely but it has happened. Most important if you feel your hair standing on ends get down put your feet together and cover your head with both hands. Lightning also travels through the ground. Putting the hands together and feet together lessens the chances of a current going thru your heart. Many cattle die because of the ground lightening current going in one leg thru their heart and down thru another leg. If you are in the wide open whether on hills, mountain tops or water, near bases of trees, or in flat meadows you are at risk if there during a lightning storm. Plan your trip so you are away from these areas in the afternoon when most storms occur. Most people go stand or sit under a tree to avoid the rain but this increases the risk of being killed by lightning. Don't act stupid. If on elevations descend to lower levels. In a forest a depression offers the greatest protection. The new scout field book says to stay away from shallow caves and overhanging cliffs as ground currents might ark across them. It says to avoid bodies of water and metal fences. In a tent stay as far as you can from metal tent poles. It states if your group is caught in a lightning storm spread out crouch down feet together with only soles of your shoes touching the ground. Put hands over ears. Sleeping bags folded into a pad can add insulation to crouch upon. If anyone is hit check to see if their heart is going and they are breathing. CPR. may be needed. There may be burns. Treat for shock.

What to do if lost
It happens First it has to be said that the Scout Motto is Be Prepared. So make yourself lost proof by letting people know where you are going and for how long. Have a map, cell phone, GPS, emergency food, clothing, matches, tender, at least a scout knife. Stay found by marking where you have been with a scratch on the ground and sticks. Know where you are at all times. Look back to be sure that you know the way back. Learn about the area and about local features and landmarks. Remember that you are not that far away from help. Stop rest. Do not panic. Think about which direction you came from. Can you back track? Can you follow a trail, road or stream. They all lead somewhere. Do you have a map, GPS or cell phone? You can leave a trail so that when they find it, it will lead them to you. If you are stuck you can make a fire and an emergency lean-to shelter. Green vegetation on the fire makes smoke which can be seen for miles.
Refer to the Scout Handbooks for additional ideas
Leaflets 3 let it be. Berries White Poisonous sight. Poison danger above.

First Aid

Obtain a new First Aid book for more complete and up to date information.

Here is a great slide show on first Aid
Most Important right up there with survival. A scout should Be Prepared and that includes knowing what to do in emergencies and First Aid. If you are among the first to see a fire in a building call 911 and help warn people to get out. The same for accidents. But be careful. For example don't go running into the street when cars are coming. Think and decide what is best to do then do it.

Let's start with Hurry Cases which are things that have to be dealt with in a hurry.
Those are Imminent danger, Breathing stoppage, Severe Bleeding, Poisoning.
For the first one Think and decide what is best to do then do it.
The scout can rehearse in his mind what he should do in emergency situations.
Example child drounding in swimming pool. Yell for help and get the child out. Begin CPR.
Child on RR track. Pull it off.
Person clothing on fire. Make them lie down and roll on ground.
Person choking but breathing. Leave them alone. Do not slap on back. Call 911 prepare to do Heimlich maneuver is breathing stops.
Minor bleeding apply direct pressure but be sure to get persons permission first.
Major bleeding apply direct pressure and pressure point if that fails send for materials for tourniquet.

Know First Aid and CPR as it can save lives

New American Heart Association CPR Guidelines released by the American Heart Association recommend that the three steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) be rearranged. The new first step is doing chest compressions instead of first establishing the airway and then doing mouth to mouth. The new guidelines apply to adults, children, and infants but exclude newborns. The old way was A-B-C for airway, breathing and compressions. The new way is C-A-B — for compressions, airway, and breathing. January 03, 2011

New guidelines released by the American Heart Association recommend that the three steps of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, or CPR be rearranged. The new first step is doing chest compressions instead of first establishing the airway and then doing mouth to mouth. The new guidelines apply to adults, children, and infants but exclude newborns. The old way was A-B-C for airway, breathing and compressions. The new way is C-A-B — for compressions, airway, and breathing.

“By starting with chest compressions, that’s easy to remember, and for many victims that alone will be lifesaving,” says Michael R. Sayre, MD, chair of the emergency cardiovascular care committee for the American Heart Association and co-author of the executive summary of the 2010 AHA guidelines for CPR and emergency cardiovascular care. The old approach, he says, was causing delays in chest compressions, which are crucial for keeping the blood circulating.
The new guidelines may inspire more people to perform CPR, says Sayre, an associate professor of emergency medicine at Ohio State University, Columbus. “Mouth to mouth is hard if you’re not trained,” he tells WebMD. ”Anybody can do chest compressions, whether they have had a class or not. Good chest compressions really help save lives. In many cases, there is a reserve of oxygen left in the patient’s blood and lungs, from the last breath, and we can take advantage of that oxygen reserve and just do chest compressions.”

Here is a step-by-step guide for the new CPR:
1. Call 911 or ask someone else to do so.
2. Try to get the person to respond; if he doesn’t, roll the person on his or her back.
3. Start chest compressions. Place the heel of your hand on the center of the victim’s chest. Put your other hand on top of the first with your fingers interlaced.
4. Press down so you compress the chest at least 2 inches in adults and children and 1.5 inches in infants. ”One hundred times a minute or even a little faster is optimal,” Sayre says. (That’s about the same rhythm as the beat of the Bee Gee’s song “Stayin’ Alive.”)
5. If you’re been trained in CPR, you can now open the airway with a head tilt and chin lift.
6. Pinch closed the nose of the victim. Take a normal breath, cover the victim’s mouth with yours to create an airtight seal, and then give two, one-second breaths as you watch for the chest to rise.
7. Continue compressions and breaths — 30 compressions, two breaths — until help arrives.

If you’re alone with a child or baby who is unresponsive and not breathing (or only gasping), call 911 after you’ve done 2 minutes of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If someone else is present, shout for the person to call 911

1. Check to see if the child is conscious. Make sure you and the child are in safe surroundings.
Tap the child gently.
Shout, “Are you OK?"
Look quickly to see if the child has any injuries or medical problems.
2. Check Breathing
Place your ear near the child’s mouth and nose. Is there breath on your cheek? Is the child’s chest moving?
3. Begin Chest Compressions

If the child doesn’t respond and isn’t breathing:

Carefully place child on back. For a baby, be careful not to tilt the head back too far. If you suspect a neck or head injury, roll baby over, moving entire body at once.
For a baby, place two fingers on breastbone, For a child, place heel of one hand on center of chest at nipple line. You also can push with one hand on top of the other.
For a child, press down about 2 inches. Make sure not to press on ribs.
For a baby, press down about 1 1/2 inches, about 1/3 to 1/2 the depth of chest. Make sure not to press on the end of the breastbone.
Do 30 chest compressions, at the rate of 100 per minute. Let the chest rise completely between pushes.
Check to see if the child has started breathing.
Continue CPR until emergency help arrives.

4. Do Rescue Breathing
To open airway, lift child’s chin with one hand. At the same time, tilt head by pushing down on forehead with other hand. Do not tilt the head back if the child may have a neck or head injury.
For a child, cover mouth tightly with yours. Pinch nose closed and give breaths.
For a baby, cover mouth and nose with your mouth and give breaths.
Give child two breaths, watching for chest to rise each time. Each breath should take one second.

5. Repeat Compressions and Rescue Breathing if Child Is Still Not Breathing
Two breaths can be given after every 30 chest compressions. If someone else is helping you, you should give 15 compressions, then 2 breaths.
Continue this cycle of 30 compressions and 2 breaths until the child starts breathing or emergency help arrives.
If you are alone with the child and have done 2 minutes of CPR (about 5 cycles of compressions and breathing), call 911 and find an AED and use it.

above from http://firstaid.webmd.com/cardiopulmonary-resuscitation-cpr-for-children

See Red Cross First Aid book for details. go to redcross.org or heart.org.


When giving first aid to another person use rubber gloves. to protect yourself from catching a disease they might have transmitted in body fluids.

Next if that does not work use a pressure point.

And if possible elevate wound to further discourage bleeding. Also in any serious accident treat for shock. Raise feet, keep victim warm until help comes. Talking to them and reassuring them is helpful. If not done already call 911.


Call 911 if they are close and poison control. Do not give anything to drink unless instructed to do so. Follow their instructions.

There is a too much to this poison topic than can be covered here. Seek medical help and advice.

One of the best and most practical bandages in the world is the Triangular Bandage

It can be folded to make a narrow bandage.

Triangular bandage can be made into a sling.

First Aid for Burns

First aider should be aware of cause of burn so they do not get burned also.
Wrap burn in dry bandage.
There are three degrees of burns. First Degree skin is red
Putting cool water on it helps, cold compresses relieves pain and starts healing. Then wrap in bandage. Burns are painful and slow to heal.
Second Degree Burn has blistered. Wrap in dry bandage. Treat for shock. get medical attention.
Third Degree Burn area is charred. Do not remove clothing or burned skin. Wrap all in dry bandage. Treat for shock. get medical attention as soon as possible. Check for breathing problems be prepared to do rescue breathing.

Chemical Burns
Fush area of burn with water
First aid depends on severity. Give victim something to drink. Bathe skin in luke warm water, or apply cool compresses. Mild burn put on burn ointment.
Severe burn such as with blisters needs medical attention. Bandage it. Treat for shock.

Cuts and scratches

Wash with soap and water. Apply antibiotic ointment and cover with sterile dressing.
Deeper cuts should get medical attention. Do not neglect this. When giving first aid to another person use rubber gloves. to protect yourself from catching a disease they might have.

Blister while hiking can be treated by applying a piece of moleskin cut slightly larger than the blistered area and perhaps with the center cut out to take pressure off of blister. Do not pop or pierce blisters as that increases chances of infection.

Bloody Nose
Most not caused by a hit stop in a few minutes. Have them sit and lean forward so as not to drip on themselves. Have them pinch their nose and also put pressure on the upper lip just below the nose. Cold compresses can also be applied. after 10 minutes have them slowly release jpressure ans see if it has stopped. If not repeat. Instruct them to not irritate the nose after it has stopped to allow it to heal. If bleeding continues for more than 15 minutes or so seek medical attention.

Poisonous Plants It usually takes 20 minutes or so before the sap starts to cause problems. So is best to wash exposed area immediately with soap and water. Bag up exposed clothing and have it washed separately. Do not scratch. Apply rubbing alcohol or calamine lotion as soon as possible. if eyes are affected or reaction severe seek medical help.

Animal Bites
Flush wound with water. Control bleeding bandage. Seek medical advice.

Snake Bites
Non poisonous snake treat as animal bite. Venomous snakes such as rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths have angular heads and Coral snakes are red, yellow and black banded.
Remove rings and any other jewelry. Get victim to medical care as soon as possible. Wash the wound.
For coral snake bits wrap area snugly with elastic roller bandage.
Have victim lie down with bitten part lower than rest of body. Reassure victim. Keep victim calm.
Treat for shock but do not raise bitten part.

Prevention is better use caution when gathering firewood and stepping over rocks, logs etc. or when climbing. Snakes may be sunning themselves on rock ledges. Use walking stick to probe first. Wear protective clothing and hiking boots Also snakes in water are dangerous.

Spider and Insect Bites/Stings

Prevention is priceless. Wear protective clothing and hiking boots. When gathering wood wear gloves. Be observant. Use insect repellents. The current handbook states "Inspect yourself daily, especially the hairy parts of your body."
Tick Bites
Put on medical gloves if possible. Ticks can carry Lime disease, spotted fever and other bad diseases. Use tweezers to grasp the tick close to skin and gently pull so mouth parts do not come off in skin. Wash with soap and water and apply antiseptic. Wash your hands afterwards. If you develop a rash or flue like symptoms seek medical advice.

Chigger Bites
These critters are so small you can barely see them. The Indians called them noseeems. They burrow into skin pores. Don't scratch. Calamine lotion, chigger medicine and clear nail polish may help.
If area is infested it may be well to move the tent and try some repellent.

Spider Bites
Be observant, Wear gloves when gathering wood. Note the Brown recluse likes to hide in clothes, boxes and quiet places like bedding. Inspect your sleeping gear before you get in it. Listen to video in first link below.
Most spider bites are no problem but the Black Widow and Brown Recluse and a few others can be painful and ocassionaly deadly. Seek medical attention. Treat for shock.

more Brown Recluse
more info on spider bites

Insect Stings
Scrape off knife blade. Apply ice pack. If breathing difficulty starts seek medical help. Some people are allergic to stings and may have a special kit to treat them. These folks may need urgent medial help.

Object in Eye
Safety Glasses help protect the eyes, are cheap, and can prevent eye injury and blindness. Sometimes if you leave it alone and don't rub it tears will often wash it out. Remove contact lenses. If not flush eye with clean water. If this does not work seek put on loose bandage and get to a doctor as soon as possible.

Puncture wound

Sharp pointed things like pins, cactus spines cause a sometimes deep closed wound. The old remedy was to squeeze it to make it bleed. But the latest book says to flush it out using pressure. Use a plastic water bottle or bag with small hole and apply the rinse water with pressure to flush out the wound. Repeat several times to clean it out. Seek medical advice as these types of wounds easily get infected. But if a larger object is embedded get medical help do not remove it.

Embedded Fish Hook
Cut the line. Rinse off area. Seek doctor help in removing.

Heat Exhaustion
Prevention is wise carry water and drink it often. Stay out of heat or sun. Use umbrella or sun shield. Wear cool clothing and/or clothing that shelters one from the hot sun. Dehydration may be a factor.
Symptoms: Pale skin, clammy, Nausea and tiredness, Dizziness and fainting, Headache, muscle cramps, weakness.
Get victim to a cooler shady place, lie down raise feet. remove excess clothing. Cool the victim, by wet cloths and fanning. If the victim is alert give a sip of some waster. If symptoms remain seek medical help.


Prevention is wise carry water and drink it often. Stay out of heat or sun. Use umbrella or sun shield. Wear cool clothing and/or clothing that shelters one from the hot sun. Symptoms skin hot to touch and may be reddish, rapid pulse, quick noisy breathing, sometimes confusion, unwillingness to cooperate with treatment, sometimes unconsciousness. Move person to cooler area, loosen clothing, fan and apply wet clothes. Wrapped Ice packs in armpits, groin and against neck. If able to drink give small amounts of cool water. Get medical treatment. Stand by in case loses consciousness and needs rescue breathing.

Hypothermia and Frostbite

Hypothermia occurs when the body loses more heat than it can produce. This can occur in above freezing temperatures. Prevention is wise. Have a jacket nearby. Dress for weather in layers. Stay dry. Stay out of cold water, and cold wind. Swimming in chilly water or boat capsizing can quickly lead to it.
Symptoms Feel cold, tired, not thinking straight, feel numb, shivering, irritable, stumble and fall, lose consciousness.
First Aid: Get victim warm. Move to warm shelter. Have victim remove wet clothes and get in dry clothes or at least a dry blanket or sleeping bag. If conscious a warm drink, soup etc. Warm water containers under armpits and in groin.
Frostbite occurs when body part freezes. Skin is numb, pail. Grayish white patches on skin are indicators that ice crystals are forming. Frozen part should be warmed gradually put inside anothers coat next to warm skin.
Do not rub with snow. The new handbook states that when there is no chance that the pare will refreeze, it can be placed in warm to touch (not hot) water. When back to normal temperature wrap in dry dressing, Victim should be seen by a doctor.

Heart Attack

Symptoms: In a man: Pain, ache or heaviness in chest. not necessarily severe. Unusual sweating, Nausea, stomach distress., shortness of breath, feeling of weakness.
Symptoms: in a woman: back, abdominal, upper body pain, fatigue, dizziness, heaviness in chest, burning sensation. First Aid: Get medical attention. Other sources say get person to cough, take an aspirin.

Possible Broken Bone

Broken bones (fractures) are usually not life-threatening. A fracture may not be visible to you through the skin. Symptoms include intense pain, swelling, increased pain when trying to move the injured area, or bleeding. A broken bone always requires medical attention.
Immediate care
Call out for someone to get help, or call 911 yourself. Do not move or straighten the broken bone. Splinting is not necessary unless the person needs to be moved without assistance from ambulance personnel or unless the fracture has blocked blood supply to the limb. If the fracture site is deformed and the skin beyond the site of the fracture is cold, pale, and blue, pull gently lengthwise on the limb to straighten the fracture and then splint the limb.
Again avoid moving the person. Splinting is not necessary unless the person needs to be moved without assistance from ambulance personnel or unless the fracture has blocked blood supply to the limb.
(Source Harvard Medical School)

Splints can be made from folded newspapers or cardboard, branches, boards, anything that is stiff. The idea is to immobilize the area of the break.

In any serious accident or injury have the victim lay down or at least sit down. Raise the injured's feet and keep them warm. Don't wait for symptoms to appear which are restlessness, irritability, weakness, confusion, fear, dizziness, skim moist, clammy, cool, pale, quick pulse, shallow rapid breathing, possible nausea and vomiting, extreme thirst.

Transporting the Injured

Fireman's Carry

Water Rescues


Scouts save lives.
The night of April 1, 2005 is a night that Aimee Wakeman, then 9, of Troop 1933 from Lakewood, won't soon forget. This is the night that she acted in a manner that was mature way beyond her years and risked her own life to save her father and brother's lives after an intruder broke into their house and started attacking her father.
At its 36th annual Youthpower dinner last Friday (March 4), the Seneca Waterways Council honored Eagle Scout Cody Jordan, Troop 111, Sodus, for saving his father’s life.

Scouts go places and do things. Sometimes scout groups get to do things ordinary boys and girls do not get to do. Such as ride in a hilicopter, plane or visit a Nuclear Power Plant.
Lake Erie Nature & Science Center

Those of you who live in free countries such as the USA are very lucky. Many people take our freedom for granted. But that freedom wasn't free. About a million and a half people suffered and died so you could enjoy that freedom. We may be on the verge of losing it as it appears it is being chipped away. The major law of our land is our constitution. Your main rights are protected by some ammendments to the constitution called the Bill of Rights. The link below is a one page summary of our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
One page about our Bill of rights and constitutuon.
Our Flag stands for freedom with liberty and justice for all. The USA is not perfect but we need to defend it against enemys to keep our freedom. Many of us older folks have served in the military and fought in wars to help keep our country strong. We who did took an oath to defend our constiitution and our country against all enemys. That oath does not expire when we get out of the service. We are oath keepers until we die. If you know a veteran tell him about the following website. Oath Keepers

More on Scouting

The Lone Scout
There are unofficial and official Lone Scouts. You can be a Scout by just deciding to live your life by the Scout Law, Motto, Slogan and Promise. There are many others who are doing the same. They have done a lot of good and saved lives. They are working to help make their part of the world a better place It is not easy to find them. The writer of this page is one. For info on the official ones see the following link.
Official Lone Scout
Boy Scouts of America

Finding Scout Friends
Your local scout council may have Lone Scout advisers. You can search social groups and social networking but be sure that if any meetings with other scouts, or persons claiming to be scouts or advisers are arranged, that they be held in a public place and do have your parent or known adult friend come along with you for security. There are some predators out there. Do trust us on this as we know about situations in which young people were tricked by seemingly nice persons. This led to they disappearance, abuse and in some case their death.

Respectful way to fold our flag. Why because 1.5 million died defending it so you may have freedom and we can have liberty and justice for all. USA-flag-site American Flag FAQ's - answers to the most common questions, American Flag History, proper display of the flag, Patriotic Songs
how to display properly

EARTH - One video you NEED to see

Citizenship In Our Nation

Our Local History

Our Environment

Uses of Plants


Being Physically Fit

Finding Food in the Wilderness

Survival is more about maintaining control of yourself and thinking than it is about anything else. You can last a few days without water and a month without food. There are other considerations such as radiation, loss of body heat in cold areas, frostbite, sun stroke, heat exhaustion, drounding, poison from snakes, scorpions, fish, insects and spiders. Please get a good survival book and read it. This web site is not big enough to cover all of that knowledge and it would scare away many mothers who would forbid their children from reading this site. Finding safe water is usually more important than food. Unless you are in the berry season and not all berrys are safe. Find nuts the squirrels have not eaten. In general animals provide more food for the effort than plants. Nearly all North American animals and insects are edible but absolutely must be cooked. Fish, grubs, insects are the easiest to catch unless you have a rifle and are a good shot. Acorns must be processed and ground before you can get oak flour. animals can be shot with gun or arrow, trapped, or snared. Again all common North American animals are edible. See survival book for techniques.
There are some common edible plants that can supply vitamins and a few calories Raw greens young spring: Dandelion, watercress, young spring chicory, lambs quarters, purslane, sheep sorrel, chickweed,and cattail tips of rootstocks all to early spring.
Cooked greens milkweed shoots when just few inches high in spring. cook and drain refill with water for tops of lambs quarters, stinging nettles, stems and leaves of purslane, black mustard leaves, chicory leaves, dandelion.
Boil young green flower spikes of cattail 5 minutes, spread each with butter and eat like corn on cob. Breadstuffs Grind acorns boil to remove tanin then several changes of cold water. or place in running stream. Cattail pollen early summer ground into flour. Can be collected in a paper bag. Better when mixed with regular flour.
Roots and tubers: Good nurishment in tubers of arrowhead, cattail, prairie turnip, groundnut, hog peanut, Jersusalem artichoke, day lilly, and first year roots of burdock dug in fall. All can be peeled and eaten raw but are better boiled or roasted in coals. For roasting wrap in several wet leaves which have been dipped in water. so roots are steamed. The crisp roots of the indian cucumber can be eaten as is.

Beverages Put staghorn sumac in cold water for cool drink. Stand for an hour. Strain liquid. Sweeten to taste. Tea pour boiling water over leaves of spearmint, peppermint, wild bergamot, or over flowers of elderberry or basswood, or over twigs of spicebush, leaves of dried strawberry, black birch, winergreen, or fireweed. wild bergamot, black birch, basswood, spicebush, spearment, Coffee can be made from dried roots of dandelion or chicory dried, roasted until dark brown then ground. Steep grounds in hot water.
Wild desserts: wild strawberry, red raspberry, blackberry, blueberry, huckleberry, mulberry, wild grape, cranberry.
Nuts: walnut, hazelnut, pinion pine, beach plum, chestnut, pecan, hickory, ripe persimmon, ripe pawpaw, mayapple.
Above from 10 th Ed. Boy Scout Handbook.
But get a good book on edible plants and a good Survival book and learn from them. They could save your life.
Remember our motto Be Prepared. Keep a blanket, First Aid Kit, and survival kit in the car with matches, fire starters, compass, maps, water, emergency food, a sharp cooking knife, water filter, rain poncho, emergency blanket, LED flashlight, batteries, etc. Perhaps a waterproof box with an emergency cell phone. Emergencies are best prevented but when they happen preparedness saves lives.

Survival slides with more information

More About Survival

More About Camping and other scout stuff

High Adventure at Philmont Scout Ranch the Boy Scouts of America's largest national High Adventure Base. It covers 137,000 acres - about 214 square miles - of rugged mountain wilderness in the Sangre de Cristo (Blood of Christ) range of the Rocky Mountains in northern New Mexico. Philmont Scout Ranch operates 34 staffed camps and 55 trail camps. Philmont has high mountains with rough terrain and elevations that range from 6,500 to 12,441 feet. Its camps provide an unforgettable adventure in the high country along hundreds of miles of rugged, rocky trails. More than 950,000 Scouts, Venturers, and leaders have experienced the adventure of Philmont since the first camping season in 1939. Throughout its existence, conscientious attention to low-impact camping techniques has helped maintain the Ranch's wilderness.

Videos about Philmont

a year of troop events
Flash card review of Scouting

Introduction to Merit Badges

Pick your friends carefully. Avoid those who use drugs or who are in gangs. This is a trap that many fall into. Bad friends can pull you down and even get you killed. Drugs are like a big trap with a little sweet candy bait. Like the mouse who goes for the bait he is soon crushed by the trap and often dies a terrible death. Drugs are like that. Don't even try them. Avoid those who do. Trust us we speak from sad experience. If in doubt seek help from people who know not "friends." However good friends can be a joy in your life. They lift you up. While you are at it keep fit, eat good food and get lots of sleep and exercise. This all helps you to be physically fit. Which your life may depend on in a surprise emergency.

This site is not an official site of any scout organization.

Stay in touch with what others are saying in your community.

Here are some things your neighbors are saying.
American Opinions

What if the cell phones are out due to power outage or emergency? Some Scouts can still talk with others when adults and others can't.
Find out about scouts talking on their radio to other scouts around the world and with astronauts in the International Space station. Scouts can earn a radio license from the federal government that allows them to talk with others in other places in the USA and around the world, and use satellites to talk to others and even talk with astronauts in the International Space station. Others are limited to a fraction of a watt in power on their walky talkies but scouts who have earned the license can use up to 1500 watts of transmitter power which can get around the world.

The American's Creed "I believe in the United States of America, as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies." William Tyler Page, The American's Creed

Becoming a Success

If you want to be a success think success. You are the sum of your thoughts. You become what you think. Action often follows thought.
Many people consistently take the easy way out.
They plunk themselves down on the couch and watch the idiot box. Most of the programming on the idiot box and with most movies today is at a elementary grade level and is lacking in intellectual and moral value. A lot of it is actually demoralizing, lacking in most everything except action, excitement and violence. It is meant to entertain those who are bored and are so feeble minded that they have nothing better to do. Even the news to a large extent is dummed down and meant to entertain and (no surprise) to sell you stuff. Any question, just look at the time spent on commercials and hype as opposed to real news. And do they really have what is most important on the news? Some of us discovered that there was more news on the first two pages of the Free Press than on the entire 6 o'clock news. And if you look at CNN.com and the web page of your local paper there is much more good content on those web pages and you can see what you want quicker. TV is meant to sell products and entertain. PBS and a few specialty stations excluded (National Geographic, CNN, PBS, History, Science) in this assessment PBS is a wonderful source of good information. The point here is if you want to be a success, with exception of stations like PBS avoid TV because it is a waste of your valuable time.

Love and kindness, time and health are the most important and valuable things in the world. To greedy people money is most important but although it helps with happiness it is actually much less important. (You come into the world with nothing and you leave it with nothing. You can't take it with you.) Of course to be a success you can use a good job and a career. That is why you should learn how everything works and how to get along with others and how to lead others. This will serve you well in life. Example if you understand how a toilet tank works then you can quickly fix it and not have to spend a hundred dollars for a plumber. Or how to change a tire and be on your way in ten minutes rather than be stranded for hours and be at the mercy of bad persons who may rob you.
Learn at least two areas of knowledge that the world will pay you to do. Example Medical Doctors and Engineers are seldom out of work and make very good incomes. Most people who spend hours watching TV do not. Photography, making web pages, teaching folks how to use a computer and sales all can provide income while you are going to school.

Think and observe and question. Question everything. There are six questions which will serve you well in school and life: What, Who, Where, When, How and the most important Why. Ask why do I brush my teeth in the morning? Leads to self examination. Perhaps it would be better to brush before sleep. Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. Know Thyself. Young people do this for yourself, don't do this on your parents. Trust me leave them be.
Don't believe everything you read, hear and see. Question everything. Be skeptical. The salesman says this is the best phone. You say show me why. Is it more reliable, rugged...
Think with your eyes. Learn to be observant. Try Kim's Game Place about twenty or thirty small articles or pictures of things on a tray, or on a table, or use a store window. Best with friends. Look at it for a minute. Turn around and try to count the things you can remember. The winner is the one who remembers the most articles. But you can train your self by looking at some scene then look away and count the things you remember. Look again to correct yourself. Actually this can be a good way to review school lessons for tests.
To be a success Think, Plan what you want to do, make a work plan that will get you to that goal. Then begin working on that plan. Good idea to review your progress once in awhile. If you fail to plan you are planning to fail. Use wise and good judgment. Maintain your health. Avoid negative things and things that may damage your health such as drugs. Just say no. Make friends with good positive thinking people. Take some time to be a friend because to really have a good friend is to be one. Otherwise they are just acquaintances. Note: good friends are usually far and few between.
Many Thoughtful Scouts become Leaders and go on to Success in Life. Success Wisdom



    Don't do to others what you would not want done to yourself. (The Golden Rule)
  Make that the expectation and standard of all human conduct.

  Bring no harm to another by your actions or inaction